
Collaborative Project Process for EP 04 Final

This post is about the final compositing, with a video of the last stage (It’s working very badly right now, but this is the only thing we can submit at the moment, I’ll show you the final version next semester)Our team uses GITHUB to record every time a team member makes a change to the project and uses it for important questions (within the project). Here is the link: Issues · Sturmt1ger/The-Bag-Choice (

Firstly below is the final result at this stage and a snippet of my personal VFX Breakdown for the team.

In this phase, I was responsible for the task of doing quality control, and as of the end of June, I had only received a video that had barely progressed, the last time I sent the team my file was the end of May, and this video was pretty much the exact same script as the one from the beginning of May (except for the effects shots part), the video below shows the video file from the end of June.

So I had the final compositor make changes and wrote a proposal for changes complete with images.

I have communicated with them several times but still no progress, it was explained to me that the file I sent to the team its not usable, so I redid a new NUKE file, but I found that this is not possible, please see the picture below, the left is the file that I sent (saturation is natural, and the main please look at the cloud, I don’t know what is this cloud on the right pic), and on the right side is the new (distorted, and overexposed) looks like cartoon.

Specific issues I’ve raised in the Fix-Report above, which I think will greatly improve this lens once they’re resolved.

Critical Reflection

My personal problem in this project is that I didn’t propose more than one FX shot at the beginning, which would have enriched our final video, in fact, more than one could have appeared at the beginning when I drew the storyboard, but I didn’t make the second one at a later stage because of multiple reasons;

The second point is that, for the part of the grass, I wanted to make a growing effect, but unfortunately I didn’t find any tutorials for it;

The third point is the division of labour in the group, I should have explained to the others at the beginning that I want to do the final composite, because this step is very important, I’m very confident in my ability to monitor the aesthetics of this step to me to do a lot fewer problems;

The fourth point is the problem of keying, our group in the beginning of the confirmation of the special effects shots is very hastyThe fourth point is the keying issue, our team was very hasty when we started to confirm the VFX shots, so I could only use semi-AI to complete the character’s keying, and this would lead to a very mediocre quality, I will figure out the compositing process before the production starts in the later stage, so I can avoid a lot of trouble, and if the characters are shot through green screen, the quality of the work can be greatly improved.

Scroll down to see more of the previous process ^ ^

Advanced & Experimental

Progress Report on Personal Project 05 Final

This post is the final documentation of a personal project, featuring a demonstration of the final result, as well as adjustments to the blood shading, and lateral shots, and a MakingOf video of the overall production process of the piece

Here’s a look at the final product of the artwork and below is the VFX Breakdown.

For the adjustment of the shadows, I redid all the blood in NUKE, then I divided the original video into three layers and added them in order to the main Pipeline, of course the two layers of the shadows were using the same parameters and acted on two blur nodes

I then added a Roto channel to each of the shadow layers to make them both appear only on the left side and the right side.

In the landscape frame, I noticed that the camera shake was now disengaging the EXR sequence of the blood, and a portion of the blood video was currently inside the frame, so I added a 2D tracking to it to match the camera shake

More Process please scroll down ^ ^