This post is about 1: more fluid details and tweaking of renderer settings. 2: confirmation of final storyboards. 3: filming of the artwork and preliminary editing (including sound)
In terms of fluid detail, I continued to tweak the emissive source density, fluid viscosity, and surface tension of the water body; I still don’t actually have specific tunneling parameters at this point, but the tweaks to these nodes are permanent, and I can import them directly for use in a new model.

After I learnt about the KARMA renderer, I did an initial render of the scene, I added a darker EXR sky file to the background to for the dimness of the tunnel. Then I thought the result was still good at this point! But I realised later that I was too happy too soon, and every time I solved one problem, two new ones popped up!

What comes next is the most important thing, imagine if you had to blend a Houdini render with a formal scene?
1: Use the Karma renderer to render the parts of the body of water and mask out the tunnels, as it’s very cumbersome and ineffective to deal with in NUKE.
2: Export the water as a separate ABC file then import it into Maya for rendering
3: Direct rendering, not shooting the real scene later, using green screen to shoot the characters and composite them into the CG scene.
After thinking about it and trying it out, the only possible ways to handle it were 1 and 3, but at this point I had already finished drawing the storyboards as well as preparing for the shoot, so I ruled 3 out.
But there is a big problem in option 1, if I exclude the wall of the tunnel from the rendering, with the same time I have to not show the water behind the wall?

The most likely solution I tried was to split the water (blood), the wall and the emission source into three different Geo’s with different render numbers for them, but it still failed!
Then I asked Alwin (so reliable!) , he didn’t know either at first, but he started out by saying that Houdini’s default Mantra renderer could separate the two layers and render them very quickly, which I found out it could be done, but by this time I had already prepared the render in Karma and Alwin was happy to help, so he called to a friend of his from a VFX company and he finally found a solution with it! (It’s really hard to solve, you can’t even find examples in the official answer site)
Here’s what it looks like when it’s all settled, it’s so convenient! And you only need to add one node and write a command!

Here are the solutions

I also completed all the shoots this time and here are some images from the shoot. And since I needed to make a model of the tunnel exactly like the scene, I shot an extra video for 3D tracking.

This video below is my initial edited work, and it’s already just under a minute long