
Collaborative Project Process for EP 02

This post documents the individual progress of the last group project up to 23.5

Our team uses GITHUB to record every time a team member makes a change to the project and uses it for important questions (within the project). Here is the link: Issues · Sturmt1ger/The-Bag-Choice (

My main task this time was to complete the waterfall plant and its compositing in NUKE, I firstly used Bridge to find a model of the car and imported it into the software, then I created a liquid emission source.

The technique I used was a volumetric particle transformation technique, I would use the Flip element and solved it, and then transformed each particle into a grass and a plant by replacing them with particles.

Then I realised that the car model was hollow in the middle, so I imported it into C4D and changed its internal model. Because in Houdini I need to convert the FBX file to a volume file, the original car has no thickness, so I can’t generate a volume

Then I changed the particle emission source to a single one (otherwise the plant would flicker) and checked the particle normals

The normal must be vertically up, I changed the direction in the node

Then I manually created the nodes of the Karma renderer and imported an HDRI map as the main light source.

Then I made sky-specific changes to the main NUKE file.

I plan to split the altered footage into two parts, with the sky being grey in the first half of the destruction scene and clear in the second half.

I plan to split the altered footage into two parts, with grey skies in the first half of the destruction scene and clear skies in the second half. First I did a 2D tracking of the sky at two points to get the XYZ as well as the rotation transformation data

I then used the Keyer node to get the Luminance data and added Roto to the parts other than the sky to get a mask of just the sky parts

Then I put in an image to check my Alpha channel

Then there was a separate Roto for the face part of the character (because the character was moving a lot and the face was so bright that the Keyer node treated my face as the sky too = =)

Imported the cloudy day video file

These are the node trees that replace the sky

I then optimised it for edges, as there was now a white edge to the characters as well as the trees, so I found the Colour–Smear node in the NUKE Github, which makes it easy to remove the white edge

I then added scene fog as well as colour correction so that there would be a colour contrast between the front and back of the scene

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