This post chronicles the progress of my personal project this week, featuring the addition of new VFX lenses.
First of all, I am going to add some effect of blood being splattered on the wall in the shot of blood pouring into the tunnel, I first used a MOV format, but it didn’t work as well as it should have, because my shot was created by simulation of mono-water, so the direct compositing would have been very fake in the scene, and if I had this shot composited by pure CGI, or HOUDINI plus MAY or UE5, it would have been possible to achieve a very good effect

So I was going to try a new approach to this problem next week, and then I created a second FX shot, this one a horizontal one showing the blood rapidly catching up with the protagonist. So I was going to try a new approach to this problem next week, and then I created a second FX shot, this one a horizontal one showing the blood rapidly catching up with the main character. The difficult part in this shot was adjusting the size of the blood motion blur in proportion to the speed at which the blood was moving, and eventually I found a good state of affairs.

Then I started to FX the last shot, I was going to create a first person view of blood, firstly I mediated the lens in HOUDINI

Then to handle the high speed movement of the camera I did 3D tracking of the shot in NUKE, while tracking I used roto to remove the figure to keep the GPU from tracking the figure thus producing a completely wrong point cloud.

Then I speeded up that video in Ae, because the final section of the video where the water is supposed to go down due to gravity and thus become faster, but the original video was at a constant speed