After three weeks of preparation, this is where I officially started to create the big term assignment that Gonzalo set at the beginning of the term. This assignment will use all the NUKE knowledge we’ve learnt so far, so I’m going to be putting a lot of effort into it too!
In preparation, I would like to add smoke, flames, shattering and explosions to the picture, and I’m thinking of making a shockwave of a nuclear bomb explosion at the end
Here’s a sketch of my intended effect

My main reference was wanting to replicate the nuclear bomb explosion scene from the game Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, the video below is the reference
At first I added a fog effect, I used ROTO and traced the scene

In the fog composite, I colour-blended the fog with the original image

Next I used the same technique to add a second smoke effect to the image. The original video for this effect was in MP4 format, so I first inverted the image and sucked in the LUMINANCE channel.

Next I added a scene breaking effect behind a couple of houses in the mid-ground, after the ROTO I used SHUFFLE and added three GRADE nodes to colour grade the model.

Then I added a fire-breathing effect on the roof chimney of the foremost house

But in the process of doing the flame compositing, I want to make the flame erupt multiple times and add a MOTIONBLUE node, but I found out that after connecting the MOTIONBLUR, the flame clip can only be played once, so I’m going to ask Gonzalo next Tuesday

Here’s how I staged this assignment this week