
NUKE Fire and Smoke Compositing

This fortnight we’ve been learning about flame and smoke synthesis, and our teacher has asked us to complete part of the London Trap project next week!

Fire Part

Notes (VFX effects material site in the file)
1 When keyer snapping the a-channel, you can do a log2lin before to make the luminance data more accurate.
After compositing, if there is anything out of the frame, add a crop to cut it out.
2 When doing 3d tracking, you need to customise the length of the two points, just one, and then customise it in the scene of the node.
3 Add a motionblur when compositing
4 Keyer can select a display model and export it to alpha.
5 OFlow is used to change the video settings of the input source, such as the frame rate range and acceleration/deceleration.
6 When compositing, merge a max to add luminance information to the b (to give more depth to the result).
7 When doing flame compositing, the reflections on the wall are done this way, the original flame material is added to a curvetool, then reset and go! Solve for different frame data (you can see it in the toolbar), then copy the concentration data, then paste it into the place you want to deal with the grade, then paste it into the gain, then right-click and select Edit Expression, add *30. and it’s done. 5.14 email from gonzalo to see)
8 Synthesise the fire first step PLUS a blur flame to form the final fire edge (this has the most detail)
Step 2multiply back to density (reversed)
Third step PLUS on the fire itself (add a plugin version of glow)
And finally PLUS the flame itself after a glow!

Smoke Part


When creating smoke, if there is no A-channel in the original material, use the Luminance node to draw smoke from the screen.

If the clip needs to be cropped, use the Retime or OFlow node to control the number of frames in the video.

Then use the Grade node to increase the Gamma value of the A-channel in Luminance, so that the result has more detail and does not suck in the background data from the original material.

Then use the Copy node to make the A-channel stick to the original video, Blur the original frame, and Merge an average value to make the smoke blend into the environment.

Then add some MotionBlur or Defocus to defocus it.

Next is a magic operation, you need to re-UNPREMULT the original screen, then convert it to YCbCr format, and then stack it with the YCBCR data of the original screen, so that you can import the colours of the original screen into the smoke, this step is particularly important, even if it’s difficult to understand

Add a Lightwrap at the end to further blend the edges of the smoke into the original image

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