Advanced & Experimental

Progress Report on Personal Project 03

This chapter is the third report on the individual project Blood Flood. It consists of three main sections: 1 Further simulation of blood. 2 Ambient light sources. 3 NUKE synthesis

I’ve continued to import more accurate camera data into Houdini.

Checking the rendered result

Here’s the original video, you can see that there are five main light sources in the frame, which I then added to Houdini’s tunnel scene

Here the project files are all ready, I have increased the accuracy of the blood simulation by a factor of 10 here, and you can see that the result is now very much like the real scene (the simulation cache is also very large)

This is the particle effect of the model just now, you can find that the particles are super, just look at the effect of the particles is already perfect!

This is what the rendering looks like at this point!

Then I started the rendering and imported the result into NUKE, where I tracked the light source of the original video in 2D and transferred the data to the blood video

Then I added a Lightwrap attribute, a node that allows the high brightness of the edges of the blood to blend more with the original tunnel video. I then used a trick taught by Gonzalo to check exposure as well as saturated frames to check if the blood video was too bright? Or is it too saturated? If so, go ahead and add a Grade or ColourCorrect node to adjust it.

I ended up rendering the NUKE and editing the video in Pr

Here are the results of my video this time

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