This post is the final documentation of a personal project, featuring a demonstration of the final result, as well as adjustments to the blood shading, and lateral shots, and a MakingOf video of the overall production process of the piece
Here’s a look at the final product of the artwork and below is the VFX Breakdown.
For the adjustment of the shadows, I redid all the blood in NUKE, then I divided the original video into three layers and added them in order to the main Pipeline, of course the two layers of the shadows were using the same parameters and acted on two blur nodes

I then added a Roto channel to each of the shadow layers to make them both appear only on the left side and the right side.

In the landscape frame, I noticed that the camera shake was now disengaging the EXR sequence of the blood, and a portion of the blood video was currently inside the frame, so I added a 2D tracking to it to match the camera shake