This post documents the progress of individual and, in part, team projects from 1 February to 15 February.
Post Summary (Personal):
1: The design of the protagonist’s weapon
2: Design of the main character’s body jewellery
Post Summary (Team):
1: Main character model design
2: UNITY engine’s script for the basic movement logic of the protagonist.
3:Engine for the implementation of the boss skills
4: Basic movements of the protagonist (standing and dodging)
The task assigned to me by the group this fortnight was to complete the design of the protagonist’s weapon, including a high-precision model, as well as to create an accessory for the protagonist to wear around his neck. Through my research, I found that a gourd-like kettle was popular in Loulan in ancient times, and later on, this kind of item was also used in a lot of modern TV dramas as well as film and TV productions, so I used the shape of the gourd in the design of the necklace.

Production Process:
1: First of all, use C4D’s solid fabric simulation to create a chain, so that the chain can absolutely fit on the character’s body, and there will be no bugs!
2: Import the model into ZB, then sculpt the gourd shape and add details
3: Combine the model with the chain and add bulging physical details at the joints
Next up was the sword section, after discussing it in our two group meetings we decided to have the protagonist use a greatsword as his weapon, our first few versions were a tanged sword as well as a fighting sword, but because of our theme of Loulan, both of these weapons were eliminated. So I started to investigate the information and I found out that in ancient Loulan there were a lot of legends about bones as well as relics, so I added some eye patterns on the hilt as well as a shattering effect.

Production process:
1: Create the basic model of the knife in C4D and adjust the scale with the character model.
2: Import into ZB, carve the knife parts in ZB and reduce the surface.
3:After the sculpture is finished, send the low face model to the animation team, and prepare the high face model to replace the animation model.
Firstly, there was the UNITY prep work, where my group completed the basic scripting of the game and designed the dynamic scripting and basic logic for character attacks. Then they finished the character’s hook lock animation. For the boss design, they finished the script for the particle tracking of the magic attacks.

Then we designed a complete set of COMBO for the main character’s attack through another group meeting, we have two sets of combos for the main character’s attack, which are A-A-B as well as A-A-A-B, A stands for light attack and B stands for heavy attack, of course, different combos will be animated differently (here I need to do the special effect for the swinging of the sword as well as the soot effect for the feet). Later on, after I communicated with the animation team, we decided to make the last hit of COMBO1 (A-A-B) a jumping strike, so I need to make a downward slash effect
The animation team (which is really only one person) was tasked this time with completing all the designs for the main characters as well as baking them so that they could be smoothly animated. Then she also designed the main character’s stop motion animation as well as the dodging animation (the dodging animation was supposed to be a roll, but roll is too demanding on the model and buggy, so it was changed to dodging to the left and right sides)

Incidentally, on previous discussions, we decided to remove the protagonist’s prosthetic limbs and replace them with bone armour on the arms, the reason for this change was that the prosthetic limbs would have made it difficult to create the clothes, because of the need to go for a lot of breakage effects, so it was changed to the current version, and in the later stages of the colouring process we decided to design a red (or purple) glowing effect on this piece