
NUKE 3D Matchmove Homework

The first BLOG of the new term was a super hard NUKE assignment, this week we learnt about the MATCHMOVE technique in 3D and completed two classroom assignments!

I was sick in the first week so I didn’t come to class, so I realised in the second week of class that the first week taught a lot of important things, so I studied the first week on my own in class and completed the first week’s assignments without any problems, and here’s the first week’s assignments on display

Here’s how the second week of study and homework went.

Here’s a couple of mechanical CG concept art references
Here’s a diagram of the process of tracking the lens at the beginning

In the process of removing the markers, I took a direct screenshot of the ground and walls near the marker points and selected them as textures.

Successful one!
The animation also disappears after adding a few nodes!
On the ROTO for the walls, I went straight to MOCHA PRO to make it quicker!

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