Term1 Project

More Referances with the Project

Week 5

In discussions with Manos this week, we further finalized the idea for the final big assignment, in terms of the artwork I wanted to show the ambition of the late Qing dynasty to dominate the world, so I wanted to show a kind of scene of the every dynasties paying tribute in the creative idea, which is also a scene from the later part of the period.

very similar feeling
I’d also like to do a close-up shot of the super-giant weapon in the monarch’s hand, which will be done in ZBrush as well as Substance Painter

Nuke: Roto and Mountain

This is the final DEMO with this week’s homework

In this week’s NUKE class, we learned the basics of ROTO and color management (ALPHA channels and other derivatives) and how to use the auto-tracking color tool to quickly and automatically select and track objects in a video that require ROTO, and I’ve come up with a video to demonstrate the stage of that learning.

So here are some pics that can demonstrate my learning process.

While making the video, I found that I couldn’t export a white video mask (with a black background) so I found the Shuffle tool and using it I was able to choose the color that would pass through the node, so nice.

this is the shuffle tool
erode tool, which can allow us to blur the mask
Term1 Project

Week4 Maya and UE5 Practice

I spent the last few days first reviewing Maya’s modeling process and watching some beginner’s modeling tutorials to enhance my modeling skills, and then I found a castle reference to review for week 3 (because I felt like I still needed to work on my skills for wiring and manipulating the interface in the beginning)

In the following two days, I firstly finished this week’s task, importing Maya’s model into UE5 and adding materials, but I still encountered some problems, such as the textures showing up strangely on the model after the materials were imported (which I think is due to the wrong normals of the objects, and I’m looking for a solution for that). Then I taught myself how to make Niagara fog in UE5.

This is the model that I put from Maya
Niagara System
Final Result

Week3 ‘Public Transport’

this is my, mine, ‘mai’ life
Maya and UE5

Week3 UE5 Assignments

Here’s a reference picture of the cabin in the woods I’ve collected and a couple of assignments for Week3

small environment

easy cabin with wood
Maya and UE5 Term1 Project

Week3 Maya Asignment and Final Project Ideas

This is designs for this week’s Maya assignment as well as my first time creative ideas for my final assignment


Week2 VFX ‘Time’ Picturs Assignment

All ten photos represent either about time (with high public recognition) or represent time in my personal sense (like Messi)

Maya and UE5

Week 2 UE5 Practices

For the first two weeks I had some technical problems logging in that prevented me from uploading my BLOG, so my BLOG will be updated (including previous content) starting today 🙂